2015. június 23., kedd

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 1 - Exercise for Feel the Buzz

Feel the Buzz – Its venomous sting can heal arthritis, while its fragrant honey cleanses and cures wounds: the busy bee provides power-packed products for the modern medicine cabinet.You are going to read an article about bees. Answer the questions connected to the text.

  1. Name some of the benefits of having bees in our environment:

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  1. How was honey used in the ancient times ?
  2. What and when was the medical breakthrough which overshadowed the use of honey in wound healing?
  3. What is that significant component in honey and why?
  4. The terms medical and medicinal occur in the text. What makes the difference between medical and medicinal uses? Explain it:

  1. What is hospital superbug?
  2. What are the advantages of honey in general?
  3. What is propolis? What are its main features?
  4. What is the secret of Royal Jelly? Why is it an elixir of life?
  5. What is the medical use of bee venom?

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