2015. október 11., vasárnap

Keys for exercises in September 2015

Keys for exercises in September 2015
Crabapple Jelly by Vicki Feaver

Read the poem and finish the sentence chunks with your impressions on your senses based on the poem.

I see country lanes, wild apple trees, kitchen setting with copper pans, long wooden spoons, muslin nappy with a bowl, wasps, clear and shining jelly, colour of fire, church fete.

I feel fury and anger, trepidation, excitement.

I hear the smashing of fruit against the sides of the pan, dripping into the bowl, closing doors and windows, clamouring wasps, dribbling syrup.

I smell sweet apples, a pouch of sourness, the sharpness of the jelly.

I taste apples as sweet as cherries and  sourer than gooseberries, a bowl of sourness, syrup boiled up.

Jams and Jellies
You are going to read about Jams and Jellies. Answer the questions connected to the text.

Why is autumn a pleasant time if cooking takes your fancy? At this time of the year all the scrumptous fruits are available, for intance sloes, blackberries, crab apples and some more.
What is suggested to do if you aren’t an owner of garden orchards, yet you are into making jellies? Visit a pick-your-own farm (it’s definitely cheaper than any supermarket).
Why is it beneficial to make your own jams and jellies? You can be certain what is on your plate. Additionallly there’s no better feeling when you know you made it and the time spent was absolutely worthwhile.
Collect the action verbs of jelly making with their Hungarian meanings!

  • ·         simmer-megpárolni, puhára főzni
  • ·         chop-apróra összevágni
  • ·         place-helyezni
  • ·         strain-leszűrni
  • ·         measure-megmérni
  • ·         stir in-belekeverni
  • ·         bring to the boil-felforralni
  • ·         pot (immediately)- üvegbe tenni (azonnal)
  • ·         seal- légmentesen lezárni
  • ·         add- hozzáadni
  • ·         leave to stand- hagyni állni

The Perfect Pies
Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided
  1. the quality or state of being widely admired, accepted, or sought after (paragraph 1)- popularity
  2. attractive to the sense of taste or smell; salty or spicy, not sweet (paragraph 1)-savoury
  3. having elements of great variety; heterogeneous (paragraph1) -motley
  4. gatheredamassed or piled up (paragraph 1)-accumulated
  5. a major achievement or success that permits further progress (paragraph 2)-breakthrough
  6. having or showing no regard for what is right or honorable (paragraph 3)-unscrupulous
  7.  fleshy hindquarters; behind the loin and above the round (paragraph 4)-rump steak
  8. appealing to or designed for high-income consumers (paragraph 4)-upmarket
  9. following in time or order; succeeding (paragraph 6)-subsequently
  10. a fortified place or a fortress (paragraph 7)-stronghold
  11. lower in character, quality, or value (paragraph 7)-debased
  12. pressed or pinched into small regular folds and  ridges (paragraph 8)-crimped
  13. of or relating to a kitchen and to cookery (paragraph 8)-culinary
  14. based on fact or sound reason; well-founded (paragraph 8)-justly
  15. you are joking that you are even better than that person (paragraph 8)-eat your heart out

Country in the City – The Harvest Show

Read the following text and decide which prepositions are missing from 1-10. Some of them can occur more than once.

1.      for
2.      of
3.      with
4.      to
5.      with
6.      in
7.      for.
8.      at
9.      from
10.  with

The Memorabilia Man
For questions 1-15 read the text below. Use the root of the words given with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.


Village Hall of Fame
The following phrases are from the text. Put them in Hungarian.

1.      In 2001, with British farming facing a barrage of crises, Alexia Robinson feared for the future of rural life.- 2011-ben amikor a brit mezőgazdaság  kilátástalan helyzetbe került Alexia Robinsont félelem töltötte el a vidéki lét jövőjét illetően.
2.      „I didn’t want a PR-driven, glitzy event, but something where the people on the ground could get involved.”-Nem állt szándékomban , hogy egy propaganda jellegű,   szervezzünk, sokkal inkább olyas valamit ahol az emberek ténylegesen részt tudnak venni.
3.      Six years later and those networks have multiplied.- És hat év telt el, a kapcsolatrendszer  pedig megsokszorozodott.
4.      This year, 9,000 chefs have also committed to teaching school children how to cook – perhaps the biggest volunteering movement addressing child nutrition.- Ebben az évben 9000 séf járult ahhoz hozzá, hogy az iskolás gyerekek főzni tanuljanak – talán az egyik legnagyobb önkéntes megmozdulás, ami a gyerek étkeztetést érinti.
5.      Alexia hired a second pair of hands to help with the mammoth task of coordinating all this. Her aim is simple: to provide a sound customer base for farmers, so they can look to the future with hope.- Alexia alkalmazott segítségével vitte véghez ennek az óriási feladatnak a koordinálását. Célja igen egyszerű: a gazdák számára stabil vevőkört kialakítani annak érdekében , hogy jövőjük reményteljes legyen.

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