2015. október 13., kedd

Exercise for Wind of Change

Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided.

Wind of Change
v      being inhabited, visited in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being (paragraph 1)-
v      prepare for difficult times, imminent disaster or emergency (paragraph 1)-
v     destruction and waste (paragraph 2 )-
v     when it clears off (paragraph 3)-
v     a hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulties (paragraph 3)-
v     an elevated, comparatively level expanse of land (paragraph 4)-
v     a consequence, especially of a disaster (paragraph 4)-
v     a lower tier of shrubs and small trees under the main canopy of forest trees (paragraph 4)-
v     a tract of land within the wood or other overgrown area from which trees have been removed (paragraph 6)-

’The initial response was to plant, plant, plant’

v     deal with a problem (paragraph 1) –
v     flatten (paragraph 2) –
v     at the appropriate time (paragraph 3)-
v     shedding or losing foliage at the end of the growing season (paragraph 4) –
v     something wanted or needed that comes or happens unexpectedly (paragraph 4) –

’The storm changed the microclimate’

v     crowded, closely together (paragraph 2) –
v     the atmospheric conditions affecting an individual or a small group (paragraph 2) –
v     boys or young men (paragraph 3)-
v     move swiftly, hurry (paragraph 3) –

’People remember the storm for the devastation, buti t had lots of benefits’

v     the science or work of maintaining, cultivating and developing forests (paragraph 1)-
v     a strong, abrupt rush of wind (paragraph 1) –
v     a place where plants are grown for sale (paragraph 2) –
v     the regrowth of losses (paragraph 4)-
v     young plant, especially are those grow from seeds (paragraph 4) –
v     types or breeds which survive better than others during periods of low rainfall (paragraph 4)-

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