2014. október 6., hétfő

Keys to September issue

KEYS to September 2014

Start Your Dream Business – Run a Glamping Site

1-l        2-n      3-m     4-e       5-k      6-o       7-i        8-j       9-a       10-g     11-f     12-b    13-d                14-h    15-c

Flavours of Nature

1.                  converted
2.                  chaotic
3.                  failures
4.                  creation
5.                  organically
6.                  adding
7.                  steadily
8.                  popularity
9.                  varieties
10.              growers
11.              seasonal
12.              softened
13.              beautifully
14.              recently
15.              organically

My Countryside Valentine Warner

1-E      2-I       3-C      4-G     5-B      6-F      7-H      8-A      9-D
a great forager- nagyszerű természetjáró és gyűjtőgető
armfuls of mushrooms- több maroknyi gomba
abundance of produce-termények sokasága, bősége
burgeoning vegetable patch- erősődő zöldségágyások
The greater the distance I feel between crowds of other people and myself, the happier I am.-minél nagyobb a távolság köztem és az emberek tömege között, annál jobban érzem magam
at the summit-a hegycsúcson
places that seem untouched-helyek amelyek érintetlennek tűnnek
makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end-még  a hátamon is feláll a szőr ettől

Rescued from Ruin

1.                  It was in use from the early 19th century up to the 1930s. It was  a windmill producing flour.
Also used as a gunner's lookout during the WWII.
2.                  Originally they wanted to turn it into accommodation for guests while ground floor for their parents.
3.                  Getting planning permission was rather fussy and as it turned out the building had fallen into severe decline.
4.                  They were determined to preserve the essential character of the building at each stage.
5.                  They used up some old photos to find out about the appearance of the original ones.
6.                  Flour chute – bedroom ceiling; ladder-like stairs- quirky bookshelves
7.                  She kept the fixtures and fittings low-key, simple design is overwhelming in the house.

8.                  The bathroom was given a touch of elegance and luxury with its vast walk-in shower and roll-top bath.

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