2014. október 6., hétfő

Exercises October

Exercises -  October  www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                             October 2014

Start Your Dream Business – The Dog Hotel

For questions 1-15 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.


Character and Style- Charlotte Supple has gathered together a beautiful collection of simple country pieces to bring individual charm to her family home in a small village in Northamptonshire

You are going to read a magazine article about Charlotte Supple's home. Answer the questions connected to the text.

What style is reflected in Charlotte's house as entering?

What conditions was the house in when the family moved in?

How did her passion about antiques start?

What are some of her favourite finds?

What is her opinion of their home?

World Conker Championships
Read the following text and decide which of the prepositions a-o is missing from 1-15.

a./from           b./at                c./in                 d./to                e./in                 f./of                 g./by
h./in                i./to                 j./as                 k./of                l./until             m./from          n./in                            o./to           

National Singles Tiddlywinks Championship
The following phrases are from the text. Put them in Hungarian.

1.                  tiddlywinks-...................................................................
2.                  the players swilled pints-...............................................
3.                  on the first rung of the competitive ladder-....................................................
4.                  cut-throat competition-...........................................................
5.                  is at stake-............................................................
6.                  win that on a simple nod and wink-.................................................
7.                  tiddlywink patent-....................................................
8.                  it gives you a tingle-.......................................................
9.                  the novice winker-..........................................................
10.              accumulated score-.........................................................

My Countryside GRIFF RHYS JONES- The comedian, presenter and author is passionate about preserving our heritage.

You are going to read a magazine article about Griff Rhys Jones. Some parts of the article have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-H and match them with the numbers 1-8.

A./ Given my upbringing, it's perhaps not surprising that I have a love of trees.

B./ Looking down on the land acts as a reminder that rural Britain is a type of heritage museum.

C./ Mine was a very wild, idyllic upbringing.

D./ With my Welsh heritage and English upbringing, I consider myself a bit of an essex boyo.

E./ One of the first things I do when I visit anywhere new is go for a run.

F./ I wonder why, when we have so much on offer right here on our doorstep, people feel such pressure to leave the country on holiday.

G./ Pembrokeshire has to be one of my favourite counties, though.

H./ When not in the woods, my brother and I would join my father on his boat;he was a keen sailor.

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