2015. augusztus 26., szerda

Exercise for Perfect Pies

The Perfect Pies
Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided
  1. the quality or state of being widely admired, accepted, or sought after (paragraph 1)-………………………………………..
  2. attractive to the sense of taste or smell; salty or spicy, not sweet (paragraph 1)-………………………………………………………………………
  3. having elements of great variety; heterogeneous (paragraph1) -……………………………………………
  4. gatheredamassed or piled up (paragraph 1)-………………………………………………………………
  5. a major achievement or success that permits further progress (paragraph 2)-…………………………….
  6. having or showing no regard for what is right or honorable (paragraph 3)-…………………………………
  7.  fleshy hindquarters; behind the loin and above the round (paragraph 4)-………………………………….
  8. appealing to or designed for high-income consumers (paragraph 4)-……………………………………….
  9. following in time or order; succeeding (paragraph 6)-…………………………………………………………
  10. a fortified place or a fortress (paragraph 7)-…………………………………………………………………….
  11. lower in character, quality, or value (paragraph 7)-……………………………………………………………
  12. pressed or pinched into small regular folds and  ridges (paragraph 8)-……………………………………..
  13. of or relating to a kitchen and to cookery (paragraph 8)-……………………………………………………..
  14. based on fact or sound reason; well-founded (paragraph 8)-………………………………………………...
  15. you are joking that you are even better than that person (paragraph 8)-……………………………………

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