2015. július 14., kedd

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Exercise for The Head Mistresses

The Head Mistresses
Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided.

used for saying that something is clearly true (paragraph 1)-……………………………
lively, bold and confident (paragraph 1)-………………………………………………
a mag printed on shiny paper (paragraph 1)-……………………………………………
communication that consists of comments that people make to each other in an informal way (paragraph 2)-……………………………………………………………
steer or direct something (paragraph 2)-………………………………………………..
hats that are sold in shops (paragraph 3)-……………………………………………….
a belief that you are able to do things (paragraph3)-……………………………………
work very hard (paragraph 4)-…………………………………………………………
the activity of growing and studying garden plants (paragraph 4)-……………………
make an attempt at something (paragraph4)-……………………………………………
fundamental elements, principles and skills (paragraph 6)-…………………………..
spread extremely fast (paragraph 6)-……………………………………………………
avoid doing something (paragraph 6)-…………………………………………………..
untidy or dirty (paragraph 7)-……………………………………………………….
an official document to give someone the permission to do something (paragraph 9)-…………………………………………………………………………………………
enough, and often more than needed (paragraph 9)-……………………………………
take control of something (paragraph 10)-………………………………………………
talking to each other and telling each other what they are doing (paragraph 10)-………………………………………………………………………………………
ordinary, not impressive (paragraph 11)-………………………………………………..

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