2015. július 14., kedd

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Exercise for Country in the City - A Rosemary Day

Country in the City – A Rosemary Day

Read the following text and decide which prepositions are missing from 1-10. Some of them can occur more than once.

  1. ……………………………………………………….
  2. ……………………………………………………….
  3. ……………………………………………………….
  4. ……………………………………………………….
  5. ……………………………………………………….
  6. ……………………………………………………….
  7. ……………………………………………………….
  8. ……………………………………………………….
  9. ……………………………………………………….
  10. ……………………………………………………….

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Country in the City - A Rosemary Day from Country Living August 2013

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Exercise for The Head Mistresses

The Head Mistresses
Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided.

used for saying that something is clearly true (paragraph 1)-……………………………
lively, bold and confident (paragraph 1)-………………………………………………
a mag printed on shiny paper (paragraph 1)-……………………………………………
communication that consists of comments that people make to each other in an informal way (paragraph 2)-……………………………………………………………
steer or direct something (paragraph 2)-………………………………………………..
hats that are sold in shops (paragraph 3)-……………………………………………….
a belief that you are able to do things (paragraph3)-……………………………………
work very hard (paragraph 4)-…………………………………………………………
the activity of growing and studying garden plants (paragraph 4)-……………………
make an attempt at something (paragraph4)-……………………………………………
fundamental elements, principles and skills (paragraph 6)-…………………………..
spread extremely fast (paragraph 6)-……………………………………………………
avoid doing something (paragraph 6)-…………………………………………………..
untidy or dirty (paragraph 7)-……………………………………………………….
an official document to give someone the permission to do something (paragraph 9)-…………………………………………………………………………………………
enough, and often more than needed (paragraph 9)-……………………………………
take control of something (paragraph 10)-………………………………………………
talking to each other and telling each other what they are doing (paragraph 10)-………………………………………………………………………………………
ordinary, not impressive (paragraph 11)-………………………………………………..

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - The Head Mistresses from Country Living July 2007

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Exercise for All You Need to Know About... Food Imports

All You Need to Know about… Food Imports
The following sentence chunks are from the text. Put them into Hungarian.

  1. Explore your larder and most likely you will find it full of imported food.-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  2. But the erosion of import controls and subsidies for British farmers, coupled with the buying power of big retailers, have all opened up the market to imports.-……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  3. The volume of food imports has increased sevenfold since 1960.-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  4. Food miles are significant part of the carbon footprint of almost every one of us.-……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  5. Food  security is an increasing concern.-…………………………………………………………….

2015. július 13., hétfő

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - All You Need to Know about ... Food Imports from Country Living July 2007

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Exercise for Where the Wild Things Are - Swallowtail Butterflies of Norfolk

Where the Wild Things Are – Swallowtail Butterflies of Norfolk

Read the following text and decide which prepositions are missing from 1-20. Some of them can occur more than once.
  1. .......................................
  2. .......................................
  3. .......................................
  4. .......................................
  5. .......................................
  6. .......................................
  7. .......................................
  8. .......................................
  9. .......................................
  10. .......................................
  11. .......................................
  12. .......................................
  13. .......................................
  14. .......................................
  15. .......................................

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Where the Wild Things Are - Swallowtail Butterflies of Norfolk from Country Living June 2007

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Exercise for A Fruitful Future

A Fruitful Future
Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided.

  1. a transformed outbuilding with a new function (paragraph 1) ...........................................……………………………………………………..
  2. a short distance; a relatively short distance. (paragraph 1) ..............................………………………………………..…………………
  3. a great amount of something  (paragraph 2) .......................………………………………..………………………
  4. existing in great quantity or ample supply. (paragraph 2) ……………………………………………….
  5.  being attracted and tempted (paragraph 2) ………………………………………………………………………………..
  6. doing and faring well, prospering (paragraph 2) …………………………………………………………………………………
  7. underestimate the value of (paragraph 3) ……………………………………..
  8. an arched form above an enclosed space, room (paragraph 4) ……………………………………………………………………………………
  9. consisting of a number of different kinds (paragraph 4) …………………………. ………………………………………………...
  10. a very large image, such as a painting or enlarged photograph, applied directly to a wall or ceiling (paragraph 5) ……………………………………………………..
  11. a deep hole or shaft sunk into the earth to obtain water (paragraph 6) …………………………………........................
  12. set forth (paragraph 5) ……………………………………………………………….........
  13. having lost all hope (paragraph 5) …………………………………………………….......
  14. diminishing gradually in force and power, relax (paragraph 7)……………………….......
  15. grow vigorously, flourish (paragraph 7) ………………………………………………......

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - A Fruitful Future from Country Living July 2012

2015. július 12., vasárnap

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Exercise for Norfolk in Particular

Norfolk in Particular
For questions 1-20 read the text below. Use the root of the words given with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.

  1. SPARSE-……………………………………………
  2. GEOGRAPHY-……………………………………………
  3. INHABIT-………………………………………..
  4. ORDINARY-………………………………………...
  5. INDUSTRY-………………………………………
  6. ELABORATE-…………………………………………
  7. ENTIRE-………………………………………….
  8. PROSPER-………………………………………….
  9. DEVELOP-………………………………………..
  10. CONSEQUENT-……………………………………..
  11. PRESS-………………………………………..
  12. DESIRE-…………………………………………
  13. APPROPRIATE-………………………………….
  14. FORMER-…………………………………………
  15. REPLACE-……………………………………………
  16. RESTORE-…………………………………………….
  17. SPECIAL-…………………………………………….
  18. CARE-……………………………………..
  19. KNOW-………………………………………
  20. SPECIAL-……………………………………………

For Those Full of Beans in the Summer Part 2 - Norfolk in Particular from Country Living July 2009

Keys for exercises Summer Part 1.

Keys for Exercises – Summer Part 1.

Country in the City – Going to Market

For questions 1-15 read the text below. Use the verb given with relevant number to form a verbal structure that fits the space.

1.               top up –topping up
2.               load- to be loaded
3.               help –has helped
4.               explore- to explore
5.               choose- chosen
6.               taste – have ever tasted
7.               harvest- harvested
8.               collect- to collect
9.               draw- are drawn
10.            transport- to be transported

The article is teeming with adjective+noun collocations describing different types of food. Pick them up from the text.

1.     fresh farm produce
2.     home-reared beef
3.     wonderful, flavour-packed bacon
4.     best Scotch eggs
5.     dairy products
6.     creamy, crumbly cheese
7.     green, leafy salads
8.     peppery rocket
9.     lemony sorrel
10.  tangy watercress
11.  biodynamic bags of apples
12.  organic toffee apples
13.  loaves of artisan bread
14.  mouthwatering food
15.  fresh-from-the-farm ingredients

Feel the Buzz
Its venomous sting can heal arthritis, while its fragrant honey cleanses and cures wounds: the busy bee provides power-packed products for the modern medicine cabinet.You are going to read an article about bees. Answer the questions connected to the text.

  1. Name some of the benefits of having bees in our environment:

    • Plants dependent on pollination
    • The biodiversity created by bees
    • Third of the food come directly or indirectly from bees
    • Right amount of fruit and vegetables in our daily diet
  1. How was honey used in the ancient times ? They used it for treating diseases and ills of the gut.
  2. What and when was the medical breakthrough which overshadowed the use of honey in wound healing? Antibiotics came into use in the 1940’s
  3. What is that significant component in honey and why? It has an enzyme, an anti-bacterial component, which preserves it and also medicinally useful for humans.
  4. The terms medical and medicinal occur in the text. What makes the difference between medical and medicinal uses? Explain it: medical – relating to the study and practice of  medicine; medicinal – having the properties of medicine

  1. What is hospital superbug? Strain of bacteria resistant to powerful antibiotics
  2. What are the advantages of honey in general? It eases digestive problems, reduces night-time cough, can be a treatment for sore throat.
  3. What is propolis? What are its main features? Bee-glue,  a resin-like substance to seal cracks in their hives.
  4. What is the secret of Royal Jelly? Why is it an elixir of life? Milky, protein-rich food secreted from the mouths of bees.
  5. What is the medical use of bee venom?

My Countryside  - Dick Strawbridge
You are going to read a magazine article about Dick Strawbridge. A childhood spent outdoors gave the presenter a lifelong love of the natural world that he has passed on to his family.
Some parts of the article have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-I and match them with the numbers 1-9.

A./ You don’t need land to lead a more… - 8
B./ The natural world totally fascinated me. - 5
C./ In the holidays, Mum would kick us out… - 2
D./ My pride and joy in those days was my … - 4
E./ The countryside makes you take the time … - 9
F./ I used to go tickling trout when I was a boy. - 1
G./ I became a grandad last year, James and … - 7
H./I had quite a free childhood, but I was … - 3
I./ When my son James was small (he’s now 28),… - 6

Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided.

  1. An idea or expression that has been too much used, a stereotyped phrase (paragraph 1)- cliché
  2. steal apples from an orchard or garden (paragraph 3)-  to scrump apples
  3. An awkward, heavy  or stupid creature  (paragraph 3)- a useless lump
  4. eat hungrily or greedily (paragraph 5) – to devour
  5. place where monks live as a community under religious vows (paragraph 5) - monastery
  6. live without the usual comforts and conveniences of life (paragraph 6) – roughing
  7. a type of dog originating in England and Ireland (paragraph 7) - lurchers
  8. put up a tent at a campsite (paragraph 6) – pitch a tent
  9. the ability to provide for oneself without the help of some others (paragraph 8) – self-sufficiency
  10. include some disadvantages in order to get what you want  (paragraph 8) -  it can come at a price

Driftwood Sculptor Robert Race

Read the following text and decide which prepositions are missing from 1-10. Some of them can occur more than once.

  1.     on
  2.    for
  3.    to
  4.    by 
  5.     into
  6.     in
  7.    at 
  8.    from
  9.    by
  10.   in

Full of Highland Flavour
For questions 1-20 read the text below. Use the root of the words given with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.

  1. ORIGIN- originally
  2. DELIGHT- delightful
  3. TRADITION- traditional
  4. DISTINCT- distinctive
  5. VARY- varied
  6. DIVERSE- diversity
  7. INDIVIDUAL- individually
  8. CREATE- creative
  9. PERMANENT- permanently
  10. SUSTAIN- sustainability
  11. PLENTY- plentiful
  12. PARTICULAR- particularly
  13. PREPARE- preparation
  14. POSSIBLE- possibility
  15. DECIDE-  decision
  16. ARGUE- arguments
  17. CLEAR-  clearly
  18. TRANSFORM- transformation
  19. SUBSTANCE- substantial
  20. DEPEND- independent

Full of Highland Flavour
The following phrases are from the text. Put them in Hungarian.

1.     What’s on offer here is rather more sophisticated, however, than a run-of-the-mill local café.- Hogy mi a napi kínálat az többnyire egyedi összehasonlítva a hétköznapi helyi kávézóval.
2.     …designer pieces sit next to antiques snapped up at local auctions, Melanie’s abstract artworks hang alongside vintage oils and the chic shop stocks covetable items.-…márkás cuccok jól megférnek a helyi aukciókon összeszedett antik darabokkal, Melanie absztrakt művészeti alkotásai a retro stílusú olajfestményekkel vegyülnek, a sikkes bolt vonzó termékekkel van tele
3.     Tom,…, is head chef in the hotel’s gourmet restaurant, which again could give any London eatery a run for its money.- Tom a hotel gourmet éttermének vezető chefje. Ez az étterem bármely londoni étteremmel felveheti a versenyt.
4.     This is a close-knit crew whose energy, drive and vision mean the diverse Mhor facets hang together perfectly.- Ez a csapat szorosan együttműködő, energiájuk, motivációjuk és elképzeléseik lehetővé teszik, hogy a sokszínű Mhor különböző nézőpontjai tökéleteseen illeszkedjenek
5.     …expanding the courses is in the pipeline – a  jövőbeli tervek között szerepel a kurzusok kibővítése
6.     Going green, is not only a question of sustainability, it also makes sound economic sense.- Környezettudatosság  nemcsak fenntarthatósági kérdés, hanem ésszerű gazdasági döntés is
7.      …we don’t hold grudges and we respect each other – nem vagyunk haragtartóak és tiszteljük egymást