2015. április 7., kedd

Keys to exercises March 2015

www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                          March 2015

In Praise of the Hedgerow
You are going to read an article about the natural boundaries of Britain. Answer the questions connected to the text.

  1. What is the overall length of the hedgerows in Britain?   around 28,000 miles
  2. Why is it an eco-system in itself? - It’s a corridor for wildlife, a nature reserve, which offers food and shelter for both plants and animals.
  3. How have these hedgerows functioned throughout the centuries? – Some of them were established as windbreaks, some functioned as barriers, some were old boundaries of former forests.
  4. When did a hedgerow boom take place? – In the mid 18th century.
  5. Which parts of Britain can they mainly be found? In southern England and south Wales, but also in Nothern Ireland.
  6. What happened to the majority of hedgerows after WWII and why? - The government embarked on a campaign to make Britain self-sufficient, thus  much of the ancient hedgerows was grubbed up, while others had become thin and straggly owing to extensive use of chemicals.
  7. When did this devastation come to a halt? – In the mid 1990’s.
  8. How can we get ideas about the age of hedgerows? – The older the hedge, the more likely to have a greater variety of trees and shrubs, we’d better count how many different species there are.
  9. Which centuries do those older ones date back? – To the 10-11th century, before the times of the Norman Conquest.
  10. Why are hedgebanks and ditches important in the eco-system? - They bloom with wildflowers, provide habitat for moths and butterflies, moreover for lowland mammals. At least 30 types of birds nest in hedgerows.

Let Your Talent Shine
The following phrases are from the text. Put them in Hungarian.

  1. launching a fully fledged business- teljes értékű, érett üzleti vállalkozásba kezd
  2. to follow in their footsteps- hogy nyomdokaikba léphessünk
  3. warmth radiates from the wood-fired Rayburn- a fatűzelésű Rayburn kályhából árad a meleg
  4. As well as learning new skills such as dressmaking, patchwork or millinery, customers come here to enjoy the tranquillity and beautiful surroundings on offer- a vásárlók azért jönnek ide, hogy élvezzék a gyönyörű környezetet és a nyugalmat azon túlmenően, hogy olyan új dolgokat sajátíthatnak el, mint ruhakészítést, patchwork technikát vagy akár kalapkészítést
  5. Sam’s passion for craft was kindled in childhood-Sam alkotói szenvedélye gyerekkorára nyúlik vissza
  6. Mum was very resourceful- Anya nagyon találékony volt
  7. She cuts six slices of freshly baked Victoria sandwich and prepares mugs of tea for today’s tutees- felszel a frissen sült Victoria tortából hat szeletet és elkészíti a bögrényi teákat a mai jelölteknek
  8. when money was tight-amikor szűkősek voltak az anyagi keretek
  9. The idea began to take root- az ötlet kezdett kiforrni
  10. I found the whole process very fulfilling-az egész folyamat nagy megelégedést jelentett számomra
  11. Now I can read people very quickly, judge what pace to move at and understand what they need from the session- most már az embereket gyorsan kiismerem, könnyen megítélem, hogy milyen tempóban  érdemes haladni és hogy mit várnak a kurzustól
  12. Plans are afoot to convert a 1960s Bedford horse box into a second glamping spot for guests- több terv is folyamatban  van, hogy az 1960-as évekbeli lószállító trailer átalakításával luxus kempinghelyet alakítson ki a vendégek számára

The Crop Swap-Shop
For questions 1-15 read the text below. Use the root of the words given with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.


Revitalise Your Village – Preserving Local Heritage
Read the following text and decide which of the prepositions a-j  are missing from 1-15. Some of them can occur more than once.

a./ at - 13        b./ on – 11, 14            c./ for – 4, 8, 15          d./ across - 12            e./ to – 3, 9            f./by – 5, 6      g./ into            - 2       h./ with - 7      i./about - 1      j./ in - 10        

My Countryside – Jimmy Doherty the Suffolk- based farmer and television presenter explains why he couldn’t resist the good life
You are going to read a magazine article about Jimmy Doherty. Some parts of the article have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-G and match them with the numbers 1-7.

A./ No two days are the same when you work on a farm. - 4

B./We host farmers’ markets, too, and a Sausage and Beer Festival in summer. – 7

C./ Working in a laboratory, I came to miss the space and freedom of the countryside. - 3

D./ Just being in our garden, too, was an adventure. - 2

E./ It’s important to me that my daughters, Molly Rose, four, and Cora Mae, two, learn to appreciate the countryside. - 5

F./ Farming can, financially, be a difficult industry, so, as well as traditional livestock, we have a park farm, open to the public, which includes animals from guniea pigs to goats, and a tropical butterfly house. - 6

G./ My love of the countryside comes from my parents. - 1

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