2015. november 11., szerda

Autumnal Impresssions of November from Country Living November 2010

Exercise for 10 of The Best Natural Spectacles

10 of The Best Natural Spectacles

First read the ten situations (a-j) and then read the ten texts (1-10). Decide which text goes best with which situation.

a./ You are fond of some boat ride with exciting swirls.
b./ You feel like joining a group of ornithologists to watch the skyline.
c./ You’d better not ramble without a guide.
d./You would like to participate in a birdwatching break in summer.
e./ You would like to expand your knowledge of topography.
f./ Potholing takes your fancy as recreational pastime.
g./ You are keen on examining rarities of vegetation.
h./ You fancy watching the celestial display of fabulous lights.
i./ You are into some exhilarating watersports in the river.

j./ Preserved remains of animals, plants and organisms are for your liking.

2015. november 9., hétfő

Exercise for Wonder of Wool

The Wonder of Wool
Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided.

  1. In a state of painful suspense  (paragraph 1) –
  2. Extreme or unchanging in attitude, opinion (paragraph 1)-
  3. Worn till it’s old and shabby (paragraph 2)-
  4. A coarse, rugged often nubby woollen fabric (paragraph 2)-
  5. Take in through (paragraph 3) –
  6. Protection of the fabric from getting smaller (paragraph 3)-
  7. Resistant to blotches (paragraph3)-
  8. Not equal as in size, length or quality (paragraph 4)-
  9. A tract of land that supports grass or other vegetation eaten by domestic graing animals (paragraph 5)-
  10. Lacking vigour or energy (paragraph5) –
  11. Reach the lowest possible level (paragraph 7)-
  12. Wet spongy ground (paragraph 7)-
  13. Relating to a much earlier period (paragraph 8)-
  14. Break into small fragments and pieces (paragraph 8)-
  15. To cause to be unable to think with clarity (paragraph 9)-
  16. An unpredictable change or development of circumstances (paragraph 9) –
  17. To slope downward, descent (paragraph 10)-
  18. A female sheep, especially when fully grown (paragraph 10)-

The Wonder of Wool from Country Living November 2010

Exercise for Country in the City: Knitting

Country in the City – Knitting

Read the following text and decide which word is missing from gaps numbered 1-15.

  1. ............... 
  2. ...............
  3. ...............
  4. ...............
  5. ...............
  6. ...............
  7. ...............
  8. ...............
  9. ...............
  10. ...............
  11. ...............
  12. ...............
  13. ...............
  14. ...............
  15. ...............

Country in the City: Knitting from Country Living November 2012

Exercise for Country in the City: The Fungi Foray

Country in the City – The Fungi Foray

For questions 1-10 read the text below. Use the root of the words given with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.

  1. DECIDE-……………………………
  2. SEASON-……………………………
  3. ABUNDANT-……………………….
  4. AUTUMN-…………………………..
  5. KNOW-………………………………
  6. DISTINCT-…………………………..
  7. RESPOND-…………………………..
  8. RECOGNISE-………………………..
  9. LEAF-………………………………..
  10. HAND-………………………………..

Country in the City : The Fungi Foray from Country Living November 2010

Exercise for Woman of Steel

Woman of Steel

Read the text and complete gaps 1-7 with sentences A-G.

A./ I realised I could do that, too.
B./ which both protect her legs.
C/ to help diagnose a problem and then
D./ but that didn’t put me off
E./ including a small portable furnace
F./ while I’m shoeing horses.

G./ and found herself thrown in 

Woman of Steel from Country Living November 2013

2015. november 5., csütörtök

Keys for Exercises October 2015

Exercises for October 2015                         newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu

In an English Country Home
For questions 1-13 read the text below. Use the root of the words given with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.


Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided.

Wind of Change
v      being inhabited, visited in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being (paragraph 1)- haunted
v      prepare for difficult times, imminent disaster or emergency (paragraph 1)- batten down the hatches
v     destruction and waste (paragraph 2 )- devastation
v     when it clears off (paragraph 3)- clouds dispersed
v     a hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulties (paragraph 3)- silver lining
v     an elevated, comparatively level expanse of land (paragraph 4)- plateau
v     a consequence, especially of a disaster (paragraph 4)- aftermath
v     a lower tier of shrubs and small trees under the main canopy of forest trees (paragraph 4)- understorey
v     a tract of land within the wood or other overgrown area from which trees have been removed (paragraph 6)- clearing

’The initial response was to plant, plant, plant’

v     deal with a problem (paragraph 1) – getting to grips
v     flatten (paragraph 2) – knock flat
v     at the appropriate time (paragraph 3)- in due course
v     shedding or losing foliage at the end of the growing season (paragraph 4) – decidious wood
v     something wanted or needed that comes or happens unexpectedly (paragraph 4) – godsend

’The storm changed the microclimate’

v     crowded, closely together (paragraph 2) – dense
v     the atmospheric conditions affecting an individual or a small group (paragraph 2) – microclimate
v     boys or young men (paragraph 3)- lads
v     move swiftly, hurry (paragraph 3) – be in a rush

’People remember the storm for the devastation, buti t had lots of benefits’

v     the science or work of maintaining, cultivating and developing forests (paragraph 1)- forestry company
v     a strong, abrupt rush of wind (paragraph 1) – gusts
v     a place where plants are grown for sale (paragraph 2) – nurseries
v     the regrowth of losses (paragraph 4)- regeneration
v     young plant, especially are those grow from seeds (paragraph 4) – seedlings
v     types or breeds which survive better than others during periods of low rainfall (paragraph 4)- drought resistant

What’s in Season? – Squashes

You are going to read about Squashes. Answer the questions connected to the text.

Name some of the vegetables which are members of the cucurbit family. – pumpkins,  squashes, melons, cucumbers

Where do squashes and pumpkins come from? – from North America

When did they appear in Europe? – in the 16th century

How were they used throughout the last centuries? – They were used as drinking vessels, bowls and musical instruments

How do different nations use them in their cuisines? –
used in many sweet and savoury dishes:  the Argentinians – beef cooked in hollowed-out pumpkins  and thickened by its flesh,
the French for soup,
the Italians for ravioli,
in India mixed with tomatoes and spices

When are squashes harvested for winter? – in  autumn when the temperature drops

What tells you about the fact that they aren’t fresh? – if the bottom flexes when pressed

How can we store them? – in a dry, cool place

Name a few ways of their preparation! – roast, purée, boil, mash

Choose one pumpkin recipe in which it is combined with some of the flavours named in the article.

Read the following text and decide which word is missing from gaps numbered 1-10.

1.      been
2.      to
3.      from
4.      by
5.      is
6.      well
7.      with
8.      too
9.      into
10.  which
11.  has
12.  a
13.  while
14.  means
15.  on

My Countryside- Liz Earle – The skincare beauty specialist and author has embraced a rural way of life since buying a farm

You are going to read a magazine article about Liz Earle. Some parts of the article have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-H and match them with the numbers 1-8.

A./ The vegetable patch is my domain – I take… - 7

B./ My earliest memory is of picking peas … - 1

C./ Living and working in the countryside has  … - 6

D./ Patrick and I never intended to become… - 4

E./ Running a business in the country is so… - 8

F./ I was given a Vogue beauty book for my … - 2

G./ We employ one full-time stockman, but … - 5

H./ For many people, idyllic childhood days … - 3

2015. október 13., kedd

In October from Country Living October 2012

Exercise for In an English Country Home

In an English Country Home
For questions 1-13 read the text below. Use the root of the words given with relevant numbers to form a word that fits the space.

  1. CONFORM-.....................................................
  2. EFFORT-..........................................................
  3. DECOR-...........................................................
  4. SYMMETRIC-.................................................
  5. OBSESS-..........................................................
  6. SENTIMENT-..................................................
  7. ASSORT-.........................................................
  8. VISUAL-..........................................................
  9. CONVENTION-..............................................
  10. INTENSE-........................................................
  11. EQUAL-...........................................................
  12. EXPECT-.........................................................
  13. VARY-.............................................................

In an English Country Home from Country Living October 2007

Exercise for Wind of Change

Find some expressions, phrases in the text which are equivalent for the definitions provided.

Wind of Change
v      being inhabited, visited in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being (paragraph 1)-
v      prepare for difficult times, imminent disaster or emergency (paragraph 1)-
v     destruction and waste (paragraph 2 )-
v     when it clears off (paragraph 3)-
v     a hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulties (paragraph 3)-
v     an elevated, comparatively level expanse of land (paragraph 4)-
v     a consequence, especially of a disaster (paragraph 4)-
v     a lower tier of shrubs and small trees under the main canopy of forest trees (paragraph 4)-
v     a tract of land within the wood or other overgrown area from which trees have been removed (paragraph 6)-

’The initial response was to plant, plant, plant’

v     deal with a problem (paragraph 1) –
v     flatten (paragraph 2) –
v     at the appropriate time (paragraph 3)-
v     shedding or losing foliage at the end of the growing season (paragraph 4) –
v     something wanted or needed that comes or happens unexpectedly (paragraph 4) –

’The storm changed the microclimate’

v     crowded, closely together (paragraph 2) –
v     the atmospheric conditions affecting an individual or a small group (paragraph 2) –
v     boys or young men (paragraph 3)-
v     move swiftly, hurry (paragraph 3) –

’People remember the storm for the devastation, buti t had lots of benefits’

v     the science or work of maintaining, cultivating and developing forests (paragraph 1)-
v     a strong, abrupt rush of wind (paragraph 1) –
v     a place where plants are grown for sale (paragraph 2) –
v     the regrowth of losses (paragraph 4)-
v     young plant, especially are those grow from seeds (paragraph 4) –
v     types or breeds which survive better than others during periods of low rainfall (paragraph 4)-

Wind of Change from Country Living October 2007

Exercise for What's in Season - Squashes

What’s in season? – Squashes

You are going to read about Squashes. Answer the questions connected to the text.

Name some of the vegetables which are members of the cucurbit family.

Where do squashes and pumpkins come from? 

When did they appear in Europe? 

How were they used throughout the last centuries?

How do different nations use them in their cuisines?

When are squashes harvested for winter?

What tells you about the fact that they aren’t fresh?

How can we store them?

Name a few ways of their preparation!

Choose one pumpkin recipe in which it is combined with some of the flavours named in the article.

2015. október 11., vasárnap

What's in Season - Squashes from Country Living October 2012

Exercise for Country in the City - Beekeeping from Country Living October 2012

Country in the City – Beekeeping

Read the following text and decide which word is missing from gaps numbered 1-15.

1.     ……………………………………………………….
2.     ……………………………………………………….
3.     ……………………………………………………….
4.     ……………………………………………………….
5.     ……………………………………………………….
6.     ……………………………………………………….
7.     ……………………………………………………….
8.     ……………………………………………………….
9.     ……………………………………………………….
10.  ……………………………………………………….
11. .................................................................................
12. .................................................................................
13. .................................................................................
14. .................................................................................
15. .................................................................................

Country in the City - Beekeeping from Country Living October 2012

Exercise for My Countryside... Liz Earle

My Countryside- Liz Earle – The skincare beauty specialist and author has embraced a rural way of life since buying a farm

You are going to read a magazine article about Liz Earle. Some parts of the article have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-H and match them with the numbers 1-8.

A./ The vegetable patch is my domain – I take…

B./ My earliest memory is of picking peas …

C./ Living and working int he countryside has 

D./ Patrick and I never intended to become…

E./ Running a business in the country is so…

F./ I was given a Vogue beauty book for my …

G./ We employ one full-time stockman, but …

H./ For many people, idyllic childhood days …