2015. február 11., szerda

Exercises for February Issue

www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                         February 2015
Exercises For February Issue

A Spring Carpet of Colour
You will read about a garden. Decide if the statements are true or false and put your answers next to the staements.

  1. After possessing the same garden for many more decades there are no longer any surprises.
  2. Patricia still feels enthusiastic about gardening.
  3. Their garden surprises them in and out of seasons because of different plant types.
  4. They haven’t diversified into many plants and produces or rearing animals.
  5. Patricia loves the idea of the huge contrast popping up in the garden over the year.
  6.  There is only one single type of plant adding colour to the garden with the arrival of spring.
  7. There is the same amount of plants in the garden as back in the 1950s.
  8. In summertime formal borders are more in the centre of attention.
  9. Patricia was a novice gardener when she started working on  her own.
  10. The reappearance of crocuses in February is promising every year.

All You Need to Know about… Food Fraud
You are going to read an article about Food Fraud. Answer the questions connected to the text.

  1. Give some examples of food fraud.
  2. Food fraud is not a new phenomenon. What did people do to play pranks on others in  the past?
  3. What is food fraud exactly? How is it committed?
  4. What are the common tricks normally used by food fraudsters?
  5. To what extent is it harmful?
  6. Why does the fight against it seem to be a tilt at windmills?
  7. There are some logos, which are schemes subject to strict inspection procedures.  What are their symbols- what are they?


Country in the City- Local Produce
Read the following text and decide which of the words or phrases a-q is missing from items 1-15.
a/ tranquality              b/are                c/ evidence      d/ confines      e/ togetherness         f/ minimise      g/ well                        h/  like-minded           i/ hand             j/ being            k/ by    l/ alongside     m/sustainable  n/ specialise                        o/ grown         p/ is     q/ sustain

Craft and Companionship
The following sentence chunks are from the text.Put them in Hungarian.

1.      …discuss their latest ideas and indulge in a swap-shop of old and treasured lace, buttons, remnants of material and other items that might inspire their artistic endeavours-……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2.      it’s a shared love of vintage fabrics – and excellent home baking – that stitches them together-……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.      I can’t bear to cut things up-……………………………………………………………
4.      who winces whenever her friends chop into an old item of clothing-………………………………………………………………………………………….
5.      the others descend like magpies on the haul of different cloths and accessories-………………………………………………………………………………………….
6.      in exchange, receives 100 per cent of the takings when their own pieces sell-………………………………………………………………………………………….
7.      They nurture talent in younger people,too, and Angelica has started special crafting days-…………………………………………………………………………………….

My Countryside – Alan Titchmarsh- Reminiscing about his childhood, the broadcaster feels passionate about protecting rural Britain

You are going to read a magazine article about Alan Titchmarsh. Some parts of the article have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-G and match them with the numbers 1-7.

A/ I split my time between Hampshire and the Isle of Whight, which is a wonderful place for a winter stroll.

B/ In the garden, February is great for catching up.

C/ I remember, as a child, enjoying that wonderful thing of breaking ice ont he water.

D/ The River Wharf, where I grew up, had willows growing alongside it.

E/ I’m a great fan of some of our older flowers.

F/ Winter sin Hampshire tend to be much warmer than the ones of my childhood, when I remember scratching frost from inside the windows.

G/ We should also be very careful about building.

2015. február 5., csütörtök

Keys to January Exercises

www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                                     January 2015

Magic on the Moors

For questions 1-15 read the text below. Use the root of the words given with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.

1.                  EXPLODE-explosive
2.                  BEAUTY-beauty
3.                  DWELL-dwellers
4.                  LARGE-largely
5.                  POPULATE-population
6.                  CONSERVE-conservation
7.                  DISTINGUISH-distinguishable
8.                  WHITE-whiteness
9.                  REGARD-regardless
10.              ECOLOGY-ecologist
11.              BEAUTY-beautifully
12.              LONG-lengthen
13.              MOBILE-immobility
14.              REMARK-remarkably
15.              ADOPT-adoptive

Wolves in Britain-Should we welcome them back?

Read the following text and decide which of the prepositions a-h (some of them can be used more times) is missing from 1-15.

a./ to    1,2,5,10,12,15            b./for  7,9,      c./by    3,11                 d./in    4          e./of     6          f./from  8        g./at            13        h./ on 14

In the Company of Wolves

For questions 1-15 read the text below. Use the verb given with relevant number to form a verbal structure that fits the space.

1.                  walk-walking
2.                  be-has been
3.                  howl- howling
4.                  hand-rear-were hand-reared
5.                  pass-have passed
6.                  believe-is believed
7.                  have-was having
8.                  prepare-preparing
9.                  bite-has never been bitten
10.              bring up-brought up
11.              run-to run
12.              rear-rearing
13.              be-has been
14.              result-have resulted
15.              go-went

My Countryside- Esther Freud – the novelist often escapes to her Suffolk home to walk the coastal paths and swim in the sea

You are going to read a magazine article about Esther Freud. Some parts of the article have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-H and match them with the numbers 1-8.

A./ If I was ever bored as a girl, my mother would give me two options: tidy your room or go for a walk. - 5

B./ I'm so passionate about Suffolk that it often doesn't occur to me to visit anywhere else. - 8

C./ For the past two years, I've spent as much time as  I possibly can in Suffolk, where I have a house in Walberswick, near Southwold. - 1

D./ I'm based in London, but the country is where I belong.- 3

E./ Between May and October, I often start my day with a swim in the sea, having cycled to the beach and caught up with friends before venturing in.- 2

F./ Walking is still one of my favourite pastimes.- 6

G./ I have embedded my love of the countryside in my own family.- 7

H./ My mother was a talented gardener and created a beautiful space everywhere we lived.- 4

Shades of Simplicity

The following phrases are from the text. Put them in Hungarian.

1.                  It  had to be in keeping with its surroundings-összhangban kellett lennie a környezetével
2.                  using colour and textures that echoed the beach and the East Sussex countryside- a színek és textúrák , amiket használtak visszaadta a tengerpart és kelet Sussex vidékét
3.                  The basement was running with damp- az alagsor nyirkos és dohos volt
4.                  Six months of hard graft followed-hat hónap kemény meló követte
5.                  they could both indulge their passion for cooking again-ismét mindketten kiélhetik szenvedélyüket  a főzés területén
6.                  In this age of high tech gadgetry its simplicity is so appealing- A high-tech kütyük korában annak egyszerűsége nagyon vonzó
7.                  while the walls and surfaces are decorated with local beachcombing finds and treasures brought back from their travels- míg a falakat és felületeket a tengerparton összegyűjtött  és az utjaikról visszahozott  kincsekkel dekorálták
8.                  using samples of his own oil paints – raw umbers, ochres, Scandinavian blues, dove greys and knocked-back whites – for reference- a saját olajfestményeiből mintákat használt fel, úgy mint nyers umbrabarnát,okkert, skandináv kéket, galambszürkét és mosott fehéreket
9.                  the three bedrooms and Derek's studio are flooded with light-fény árasztja el a három hálószobát és Derek studióját
10.              The main bedroom epitomises the air of simplicity- a fő hálószobát az egyszerűség légköre hatja át

2015. február 2., hétfő

Keys to January Surplus Exercises

Keys to January Surplus Exercises                            2015 newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu

Women at Work

The Dry-Stone Waller

For questions 1-10 read the text below. Use the root of the words given with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.

1.                  DISTINCT-distinctive
2.                  PRECISE-precision
3.                  HAND-handful
4.                  DECIDE-decidedly
5.                  TENACIOUS-tenacity
6.                  INITIAL-initially
7.                  MATURE-maturity
8.                  PHYSICS-physically
9.                  DREAD-dreadfully
10.              GRADE-gradually

The Dry-Stone Waller

The following phrases are from the text. Put them in Hungarian.

1.                  Miles of limestone walls criss-cross the fields, weathered barns pepper the landscape-hosszú mérföldekre mészkőfalak szelik át a mezőket,viharvert csűrök látványa tűnik fel itt-ott
2.                  I longed for a job where I could make more of a lasting impact by creating something tangible-olyan munka után vágytam, ahol valamilyen maradandót, valami kézzelfoghatót alkothatok
3.                  Nothing to write home about-semmi említésre méltó sincsen
4.                  to get terrible pins and needles in my hands-szörnyen elzsibbadnak  a kezeim
5.                  As a born and bred country girl-mintha vidéki lánynak született volna

The Thatcher

Read the following text and decide what prepositions are missing from gaps 1-10.

1./of    2./at     3./as    4./to     5./at     6./with            7./from  8./by            9./to     10./of

The Thatcher

The following phrases are from the text. Put them in Hungarian.

1.                  With more than 20 years' experience under her belt –több, mint 20 éves tapasztalattal a háta mögött
2.                  These sounds trigger a feeling of timelessness and a connection with previous thatchers-a hangok kiváltják az időtlenség érzését és azt az érzést, hogy korábbi tetőfedők munkáihoz kapcsolódik az ember
3.                  She welcomed being part of an artisan tradition, a small cog in the line of craftspeople who have tended one roof-örömmel töltötte el az a tuda, hogy egy kézműves hagyomány részét képezheti, egy kis fogaskerék azon kézművesek sorában akik egy tetőt formáltak
4.                  She decided to branch out on her own-úgy döntött, hogy egyedül folytatja
5.                  The work takes its toll physically-a munka fizikailag megviseli

The Saddler

For questions 1-10 read the text below. Use the verb given with relevant number to form a verbal structure that fits the space.

1.                  (can) transform-could be transformed
2.                  involve-involved
3.                  prepare-be prepared
4.                  do-is done
5.                  go-goes
6.                  impress-had been impressed
7.                  produce-had produced
8.                  buy-had bought
9.                  stack-are stacked
10.              be-being

Cold Water Swimming Championships

You are going to read  an article about Cold Water Swimming Championships. Answer the questions connected to the text.

1.                  What is Tooting Bec Lido famed for? One of the country’s oldest open-air pools.
2.                  Why is this championship held bi-annually? Because they are held in between the biannual World Winter Swimming Championships.
3.                  How is cold water swimming supposed to improve your health? It buils up your immune system, improves circulation and can give your libido a shot in the arm.
4.                  What special rules make this competition a real challenge? No costumes may cover the arms and the legs, not allowed to smear yourself in cooking oil or whale blubber.
5.                  What are the hazards of the freezing cold water if one is not precautious enough? You hyperventilate or you have a coronary.
6.                  What types of races/categories are included in the Championship?A relay, an endurance race; individually or in teams.
7.                  How can you get back to the normal track after the competition? There are hot showers, a sauna and a hot tub.

8.                  What are the prizes for the winners? Medals to the winners.