2014. szeptember 14., vasárnap

September Issue Exercises

www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                                                         September 2014
Start Your Dream Business – Run a Glamping Site
Read the following text and decide which of the prepositions a-o is missing in items 1-15.
a./ apart                                 b./beyond                               c./in                            d./to
e./around                               f./through                               g./into                         h./with
i./from                                    j./unlike                                  k./at                            l./in
m./behind                              n./around                               o./to
Flavours of Nature
For questions 1-15 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals with relevant number to form a word that fits the space.
1.       CONVERT-…………………………………….
2.       CHAOS-…………………………………………
3.       FAIL-……………………………………………..
4.       CREAT-…………………………………………..
5.       ORGANIC-……………………………………..
6.       ADD-………………………………………………
7.       STEADY-…………………………………………
8.       POPULAR-……………………………………..
9.       VARY-…………………………………………….
10.   GROW-…………………………………………..
11.   SEASON-………………………………………..
12.   SOFT-……………………………………………..
13.   BEAUTY-…………………………………………
14.   RECENT-…………………………………………
15.   ORGANIC-……………………………………..
My Countryside Valentine Warner- The TV chef finds  a wealth of inspiration in Britain’s landscapes for his recipes and art.
You are going to read a magazine article about Valentine Warner. Some parts of the article have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-I and match with the numbers 1-8.

A./ Some of my favourite holidays have been around Bostcastle in Cornwall, on the Western Isles of Scotland and in Carmarthenshire.
B./ When it comes to growing your own, my wife Charlotte is incredibly green-fingered.
C./It never crossed my mind to become a farmer, though.
D./It’s important to me that my own children understand nature and where their food comes from.
E./I grew up on a dairy farm, Laverstock in Dorset.
F./ I need to split my time between the country and the city but I often find myself pining for open spaces.
G./I create new dishes depending on what’s in season.
H./As a child, I was scared of walking in the woodlands, but now they’re one of my favourite places.
I./ There were so many places to explore as a child.
My  Countryside – Valentine Warner
Give the Hungarian equivalents of the underlined phrases.
a great forager-…………………………………………………………………………………..
armfuls of mushrooms-………………………………………………………………………
abundance of produce-……………………………………………………………………….
burgeoning vegetable patch-……………………………………………………………….
The greater the distance I feel between crowds of other people and myself, the happier I am.-………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
at the summit-………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
places that seem untouched-……………………………………………………………….
makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end-…………………………………………………………….
Rescued from Ruin
1.      How long was the Old Smock Mill in use and how did it function?

2.      What was the couple’s plan to restore the mill?

3.      Why was the restoration relatively long and fussy?

4.      What were they determined to do during the massive facelift  to the mill?

5.      What did they use up when replacing the old windows?

6.      Give some examples of salvaged or reused pieces in the building.

7.      What was Clare’s concept when she started working on the fixtures and fittings?

8.      How was the bathroom done up?

Start Your Dream Business - Run a Glamping Site