2014. április 10., csütörtök

April 2014 Exercises

Newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                           April 2014

A Conversation with Self by Trisha Goddard on the Woods
You are going to read an interview with Trisha Goddard and her commitments to woods. The  interviewer’s 10 questions have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-J the one which fits each gap

A./ OK – I get it! So what did the woods mean to you as a child?
B./ Save whom?
C./ I’m guessing that when the wheather’s bad, you give the woods a miss?
D./ You’ve stopped…
E./ Listening for what?’
F./ You used a religious quote…
G./ So, almost fifty years later, here we are… still in the woods. But how come you’re jogging through them, listening to music on your iPod?
H./ Yes?
I./ So when did you first fall in love with the woods?
J./ What do you mean?

My Countryside Loyd Grossman: The television presenter waxes lyrical about the diverse beauty of the British countryside
You are going to read an article with Loyd Grossman, a television presenter. 8 sentences of his comments have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap

A./ Churches are often the most significant building in a community.
B./Northumberland was among the first places I visited outside of London.
C./ You’d have to be a pretty dull person not to respond to the scenery here.
D./ I’m a keen fisherman and get very excited when I leave the city to indulge in my hobby.
E./ I now live in London but there isn’t a county in the UK that I haven’t visited – I could never name a favourite, though.
F./ Britain has some fantastic artisan food producers.
G./ For me, the parish church is the most emblemetic feature of the English landscape.
H./ I first came to the UK as a student in the Seventies and have remained ever since.

Seeds of Success
You are going to read an article about the iconic woodland plants, blubells in Britain. Some verbs are missing from the text. Your task is to use the correct grammatical forms of the verbs. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (1-10)

  1. garden-…………………………….
  2. wander-……………………………
  3. be-…………………………………
  4. work-………………………………
  5. encourage-…………………………
  6. drop-………………………………
  7. farm-………………………………
  8. harvest-……………………………
  9. begin-………………………………
  10. be-…………………………………

A Passion for Meat by Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones on family butchers
For questions 1-15, read the text and use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits the space.

  1. GRIEF-…………………………………..
  2. INCREASE-……………………………..
  3. RARE-……………………………………
  4. CASUAL-…………………………………
  5. TRADITION-……………………………..
  6. EXCEPT-………………………………….
  7. BUTCHER-……………………………….
  8. DECIDE-………………………………….
  9. ATTEND-………………………………….
  10. PROUD-……………………………………
  11. TRACE-…………………………………….
  12. CLEAR-…………………………………….
  13. INTEREST-…………………………………
  14. GUIDE-……………………………………..
  15. WONDER-…………………………………..

Resources:      Bill Bryson: Icons of England
                        Country Living Magazine –April 2009/ April 2014

A Conversation with Self

My Countryside - Loyd Grossman

Seeds of Success

A Passion for Meat by Wilfred Emmanual-Jones on family butchers