2014. február 11., kedd

February exercises

Newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                           February 2014


My Countryside – Emma Bridgewater – The ceramics designer relaxes by immersing herself in the pleasures of rural life

Read the text. For numbers 1-10 use the word given to form a verbal structure that fits in the space.

1. decribe-...................................................................
2. plant-.......................................................................
3. spend-......................................................................
4. lie down-.................................................................
5. live-.........................................................................
6. move-......................................................................
7. spoil-.......................................................................
8. ever come across-...................................................
9. acquire-...................................................................
10. allow-....................................................................

Tales from a Stone Cottage by Aly Wilks – A Rustic Romance

Read the story. Use the word given in capitals with the numbers to form a word that fits in the space.

1. FREEZE-...............................................................
2. CANDLELIGHT-..................................................
3. EXIST-...................................................................
4. SINCERE-.............................................................
5. WILL-....................................................................
6. SIMPLE-................................................................
7. PILGRIM-.............................................................
8. PRACTICE-..........................................................
9. FEASIBLE-...........................................................
10. PROFESSION-....................................................

Portraits Of Nature: Winter

Read the description of the wintery landscape and find the synonyms in the given paragraphs.

1.                  find out where you are and where other things are (paragraph 1) -..................................................................
2.                  very small pieces of white ice on the ground and plants (paragraph 2) -.........................................................
3.                  a strong feeling of wanting to find out about sg (paragraph 2)-........................................
4.                  land covered with grass where sheep, cows are kept (paragraph 3)-.................................
5.                  extremely crowded (paragraph 3) -....................................................................
6.                  decorate the interior (paragraph 4)-....................................................................
7.                  a particular smell, especially a pleasant one (paragraph 4)-...............................................
8.                  a feeling of being very interested and atrracted by sg (paragraph6)-...............................
9.                  unable to leave a place because of a lot of snow (paragraph 7)-.....................................
10.              not smooth or flat (paragraph 7)- …..........................................................
11.              a male sheep (paragraph 8) -..........................................
12.              a female sheep (paragraph 8)-..........................................................
13.              a feeling you have when you need to eat sg (paragraph 8)-.................................................
14.              cook slowly at a temperature near boiling (paragraph 9)-......................................................
15.              made bright by electric light (paragraph 9)-.............................................................................

From Little Acorns- Clive Aslet on ancient trees

Read the text and answer the following questions.

1.                  What is Richmond Park renown for in arboreal terms?

2.                  Name a few arboreal winners in the UK!

3.                  What are the difficulties to date ancient trees?

4.                  What  factors are Britain's ancient trees owing to?

5.                  Which type  is the most sacred tree of all in Britain?

My Countryside – Emma Bridgewater

Tales from a Stone Cottage by Aly Wilks – A Rustic Romance

Portraits Of Nature: Winter

From Little Acorns- Clive Aslet on ancient trees