2013. február 3., vasárnap

Exercises - February Issue

Newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                                      February Issue

Country in the City-This Month:The Smallholding
Complete the blanked out spaces with one word.
a./ with                                   b./about                      c./been                        d./who
e./in                                        f./at                             g./after                         h./exactly
i./what                                    j./on                            k./to                            l./while
m./when                                 n./including                  o./like                          p./to
q./even                                   r./from                         s./as                                    

The Beauty of the Bird’s Nest
Give the Hungarian equivalents of the birds’ names.
goldcrest:         ………………………………….  
redstart:  ……………………………….
blackbird:        ………………………………….   
jay: ……………………………….........
wren:               ………………………………….   
song thrush:     ………………………………….   
nightingale:  ……………………………
treecreeper:     ………………………………….   
starling:  ………………………………...
skylark:           ………………………………….   
house sparrow:…………………………
robin:              ………………………………….   
mistlethrush:  …………………………...

1.       Which birds creat their nests using straw, plant stems or even debris?                                ……………………….
2.       Which birds can breed in rather strange locations such as potkets or cars?         ……………………….
3.       Which birds are renown for eating the eggs and young of other  birds?                              ……………………….
4.       Which birds are our smallest ones raising their young from April to May?           ……………………….
5.      Which birds hold a large clutch of up to 12 eggs?                                      …………………….
6.      Which birds come back from Africa to breed in England and Wales?       ……………………..
7.      Which  migrant birds wait to lay their first clutch until May?                                           ……………………..
8.      Which birds build their nests high in a woodland canopy binding them with mud?          ……………………..
9.      Which birds are listed as ’red’ owing to their decreasing population?                              ……………………..
10.  Which birds have a lining in their nests with earth, dung or rotten wood?                       ……………………..

In my Country Kitchen – Sophie Conran

Replace the removed questions  back to  the interview.

a./ Where do you shop for food locally?
b./ Do you have a favourite feature?
c./ What does this room mean to you?
d./ What is your signature dish?
e./ Is cooking still a family affair?
f./ Why does the design work for you?

Country in the city

The beauty of the bird's nest

In my Country Kitchen