2013. december 9., hétfő

December Issue 2013

www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                         December 2013


My Country Memories
Eventful Christmases while growing up in rural Gloucestershire have given Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall a love of festive family traditions and fresh air.

Read the following text and decide which of the words a-t is missing in items 1-17. There are three extras given.

a./sniffy                      b./then                        c./canapés                   d./sorry           e./beautifully

f./plantation                g./traditionalists                     h./extremely                i./scrambling  

j./bonfires                   k./end              l./sweetens                  m./alight                     n./with

o./same            p./beginning                q./case             r./off               s./good                        t./gumboots

Country in the City
This month: the salmon smoker

For questions 1-10, read the given  text and think of the tense or verbal structure which best fits each space.

    1.      choose
    2.      pedal
    3.      create
   4.      source
   5.      ensure
   6.      blow
   7.      vary
   8.      slice
   9.      seek
  10.  prepare

Christmas character – ’I deliver groceries around the village with my donkey’
For questions 1-10 read the given  text. Use the word given in capitals with relevant number  to form a word that fits the space.

    1.      LIKELY
    2.      SUPPLY
    3.      BEAUTY
   4.      FRESH
   5.      DELIVER
   6.      STUBBORN
   7.      ACCESS
   8.      RESIDE
   9.      REVIVE
   10.  COMBINE
Christmas character – ’I have become an expert on all matters mistletoe’
For questions 1-10 read the given  text
. Use the word given in capitals with relevant number  to form a word that fits the space.

    1.      RELATE
    2.      FASCINATE
    3.      APPEAR
    4.      UNDERSTAND
   5.      CONSULT
   6.      PRUNE
   7.      EVENTUAL
   8.      WED
   9.      INSTRUC
10.     GERM

My Country Memories

Country in the City This month: The salmon smoker

Christmas character – ’I deliver groceries around the village with my donkey’

Christmas character – ’I have become an expert on all matters mistletoe’

2013. november 4., hétfő

November Issue 2013

www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                                     November 2013-11-04

I’ve Always Dreamed of Having a Farm

Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

1………………                                 8………………
2………………                                 9………………
3………………                                 10………………
4………………                                 11……………..
5………………                                 12……………..
6………………                                 13……………..
7………………                                 14……………..

The Big Bang by Aly Wilks

Read the story.Use the word given in capital with the numbers to form a word that fits the space.

  1. CONFUSE        -……………………………
  2. CEREMONY     -……………………………
  3. MISTAKE         -……………………………
  4. APOLOGY        -……………………………
  5. JOY                    -……………………………
  6. HAND                -……………………………
  7. DARK                -……………………………
  8. MERRY             -……………………………
  9. CARE                 -……………………………
  10. SUDDEN           -……………………………
  11. EXPENSE          -……………………………
  12. SPARKLE          -……………………………
  13. COMPREHEND-…………………………...
  14. CAUTION         -……………………………
  15. VERTICAL        -……………………………
  16. EVITABLE        -……………………………
  17. DEFENSE         -……………………………
  18. POINT              -……………………………
  19. WANT              -……………………………
  20. CRITIC             -……………………………

Whatever the Weather

You are going to read some ideas about British weather. Some parts of the story have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-E and match them with the numbers 1-5.

A - They bring beauty to our sunsets
B - They seem to represent
C - The fact of the matter is that
D - There is nothing more exquisite
E - With the uncertainties of climate change

Country in the City
Can a city dweller enjoy a taste of the good life?
This month: The Forest Feast

Read the text. For  numbers 1-10 use the word given to form a verbal structure that fits in the space.

  1. do                   -…………………………
  2. think                -…………………………
  3. arrive              -…………………………
  4. straddle           -…………………………     
  5. venture off       -…………………………
  6. choose            -…………………………
  7. reintroduce      -…………………………
  8. designate         -…………………………
  9. allow               -…………………………
  10. pick                 -…………………………

I’ve Always Dreamed of Having a Farm

The Big Bang by Aly Wilks

Whatever the Weather

Country in the City - The Forest Feast,

2013. szeptember 30., hétfő

October Issue 2013

www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                          October 2013

Off the Beaten Track by Aly Wilks

You are going to read an autumnal story. Some parts of the story have been removed. Choose from the sentence chunks A-G and match them with the numbers 1-7.

A-Rather to our surprise
B-There's already plenty of interest.
C-And this is where
D-with the concept of walking
E-Taken collectively
F-Mrs addington distributed quiz sheet
G-what looked like primeval forest  

Country in the City
Can a city dweller enjoy a taste of the good life?
This month: From Vine to Wine

Read the article. Use the word given in capital with the numbers to form a word that fits the space.

1.                  ELEGANCE      - ….....................................................
2.                  VISIBLE            - ….....................................................
3.                  PASSION          - ….....................................................
4.                  WONDER          - ….....................................................
5.                  HERB                 - ….....................................................
6.                  STRONG           - ….....................................................
7.                  FLAVOUR         - ….....................................................
8.                  EXPERT             - ….....................................................
9.                  COOPERATE    - ….....................................................
10.              ENTHUSE          - ….....................................................

The Secret Kingdom of Marrowland by Simon Sebag Montefiore on Marrows

Read the text. For numbers 1-15 use the word given to form a verbal structure that fits in the space.

1.                  rise and fall     -...............................................................
2.                  dominate         -...............................................................
3.                  celebrate         -...............................................................
4.                  become           -...............................................................
5.                  plant                -...............................................................
6.                  be                    -...............................................................
7.                  reach               -...............................................................
8.                  disdain             -...............................................................
9.                  check on         -...............................................................
10.              make               -...............................................................
11.              live                  -...............................................................
12.              grow               -...............................................................
13.              keep                -...............................................................
14.              discover          -...............................................................
15.              exist                -...............................................................

Maurice's apple suggestions

Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

1.................                            6.................                            11.................
2.................                            7.................                            12.................
3.................                            8.................                            13.................
4.................                            9.................                            14.................
5.................                            10...............                            15.................

Off the Beaten Track by Aly Wilks

Country in the City - From Vine to Wine

The Secret Kingdom of Marrowland by Simon Sebag Montefiore on Marrows

Maurice's apple suggestions

2013. szeptember 15., vasárnap

September Issue 2013

Sitting targets

For numbers 1-20, read the text. Use the word given to form a verbal structure that fits in the space.

1.                  lock                 -..................................................
2.                  house-sit         -..................................................
3.                  sing                 -..................................................
4.                  house-sit         -..................................................
5.                  throw              -..................................................
6.                  cost                 -..................................................
7.                  discuss            -..................................................
8.                  have                -..................................................
9.                  fill                   -..................................................
10.              answer            -..................................................
11.              leave               -..................................................
12.              witness            -..................................................
13.              re-ferment       -..................................................
14.              form                -..................................................
15.              pull                  -..................................................
16.              need                -..................................................
17.              see                   -..................................................
18.              gaze                -..................................................
19.              spot                 -..................................................
20.              swim               -..................................................

Country in the City
Can a city dweller enjoy a taste of the good life?
This month: Mudlarking

Read the text and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

1..................               6..................               11..................              16.................
2..................               7..................               12..................             17.................
3..................               8..................               13..................             18.................
4..................               9..................               14..................             19.................
5..................               10................               15..................             20.................

My countryside: Hugh Dennis

You are going to read a magazine article about Hugh Dennis, a keen walker, the actor and comedian. Some parts of the article have been removed.Choose from the sentence chunks A-I  and match them with the numbers 1-8 There is one extra chunk given which you do not need to use.

A - I'm also particularly fond
B - with a Tupperware box of cheese sandwiches and flask of tea in a rucksack
C - seeing evidence of history.
D - one thing I learnt is
E - I love the fact that
F - being astonished when I went to Dovedale in the Peak District           
G - to be caught taking an open-air pee
H - Today, I'm like one of those people you see
I - I'm especially keen

1-                2-                    3-                    4-                    5-                    6-
7-                8-

Julia's prize winning Victoria Sponge cake recipe

Read the text. Use the word given in capitals with the numbers to form a word that fits the space.

1.                  ORGANISE   -......................................................................
2.                  PROPER        -......................................................................
3.                  HOUSEKEEP -......................................................................
4.                  INVOLVE     -......................................................................
5.                  PROCESS      -......................................................................
6.                  LIGHT           -......................................................................
7.                  EVEN             -......................................................................
8.                  SPRING         -......................................................................
9.                  CARE             -......................................................................
10.              PRESENT      -......................................................................
11.              COMPETE     -......................................................................
12.              COINCIDE    -......................................................................

13.              INTERN         -......................................................................


Sitting Targets

Country in the city - Mudlarking

My countryside... Hugh Dennis

Julia's prize winning Victoria Sponge cake recipe

2013. április 7., vasárnap

April issue

www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                                                          April issue 2013

The picture headings have been removed. Choose from the headings A-K the one which matches the photos 1-11.

A             Bluebells beside Crummock water in the Lake District.
B             Arts and crafts style houses at Port Sunlight, Wirral.
C             A  quiet moment for a boy and some sheep at Much Wenlock in Shropshire.
D             The 13th-century bridge at Bradford-on-Avon in Wiltshire.
E             The Cross of St. George flies above the village church at Norton in County Durham.
F             Water tumbles over the rocks at Glen Lyn Gorge in Lynmouth, Devon.
G            Waves crash against the rocks at Dunstanburgh Castle, Northumberland.
H             A  fountain cascades out of the lake in St. James’s Park, London.
I              Primroses carpet the floor of Twyford Woods in Lincolnshire.
J              Musicians for the morris men at Thaxted in Essex.
K             Punting on the River Cam in Cambridge.

Spot all the action verbs to do with cooking and explain their meanings in English.
1.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9.       ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
10.   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Seven sentence chunks have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentence chunks A-G the one which fits each gap 1-7.
A             …although you are playing against someone…
B             …but we’ve kept it going and it would be such a shame for itt o disappear…
C             …and by the 1970S there were just three surviving teams…
D             …all involving the basic strategy of throwing a projectile from one end of an alley to a set of pins at the other…
E             …but Old English Skittles is the oldest and …
F             …a game which requires a compelling mix of brains and brawn…
G            …while the older members of the group are into their eighties…

The following words have been taken from the magazine article. Create  words from them – if there are any – to match the headings.








