2012. december 3., hétfő

Exercises for the December issue

www.newsbrowsing.blogspot.hu                          December issue              deadline: 7 th January
Seasonal notes and queries
Answer the questions using up the notes:
1.       Who first decorated a tree with baubles?
2.       Who first hid sixpence in the pudding?
3.       Why do we kiss under the mistletoe?
4.       Why do we hang stockings?
5.       Why is it called Boxing Day?
6.       Why do we celebrate on 25 December?
7.       Why does Santa Claus wear red?
8.       What is the true meaning of Christmas?
9.       What does the Yule Log represent?
10.   Who was Wenceslas?
11.   Why do we pull crackers?
12.   Can reindeer have red noses?
Jamie on Christmas Tips, Jools and Elvis
Replace the questions of the interview removed.
a./          Do you always have turkey for Christmas?
b./          So what’s the secret to cooking a good turkey dinner?
c./          What’s your favourite Christmas memory?
d./          And your worst?
e./          What about roast potatoes? Any tips?
f./           What Christmas traditions do you follow?
g./          What’s on your Christmas list?
h./          And the veg?
i./           What was your best ever Christmas?
j./           Why do you think some people panic when it comes to cooking the traditional Christmas dinner?
k./          Will it be a busy Christmas for you this year?
l./           What’s your favourite party nibble?
m./        Who would be your ultimate guest for Christmas dinner?
n./          What was the nicest present Jools ever got you?
O./         How hard would you say it is to cook a turkey well?
p./          Is there any Christmas food you don’t like?

Tales from a Stone Cottage by Aly Wilks – Season’s Meeting
Complete the glossary - find the words/phrases in the text.

…………………………………………          a place where a surface has been pushed or knocked inwards (paragraph 1)
…………………………………………          long thin pieces of shiny paper used as a Christmas decoration (paragraph 2)
………………………………………..          certain to be successful (paragraph 2)
………………………………………..          a good quality or habit that a person has, especially a moral one such as honesty or loyalty (paragraph 2)
………………………………………..          impossible to imagine (paragraph 2)
………………………………………..          let out a deep breath (paragraph 2)
………………………………………..          farm animals are allowed to move around and feed naturally – adjective (paragraph 3)
……………………………………….            walking slowly and with difficulty because your feet are sore or injured (paragraph 3)
……………………………………….           spread over a large area (paragraph 4)
……………………………………….           being in a particular state after doing something                 (paragraph 4)
……………………………………….           the area  near a particular place (paragraph 4)
……………………………………….           breathing very loudly with your mouth open (paragraph 4)
……………………………………….            a short skirt made of stiff cloth that a ballet dancer wears (paragraph 4)
……………………………………….            something done in a very special way spent a lot of money on (paragraph 5)
………………………………………             lasting or going on for a long time (paragraph 5)

Tales from a Stone Cottage

Jamie on Christmas tips, Jools and Elvis

Jamie: “You gotta have a whole load of nice greens, try and make them taste bloody delicious, it’s not that hard. We have a history of boiling the crap out of an army of vegetables so they end up looking dry and steaming and opaque and miserable. Get a pan with steamers above it - you can pick it up for about £30. Put medium-sized carrots in water, then rack up all your veg above them to steam. Make flavoured butters – you can do that even a month beforehand. I pick a whole load of lovely greens in season for Christmas, cabbages, swiss chard, curly kale and then whazzed up in a food processor - butter, anchovies, chilli, lemon juice, rosemary. Squeeze that into greaseproof paper and if you put it in the freezer it’ll keep for months and months. Pop the greens in and half cook them the day before and cool them down. Heat them up in a pan the next day and put a few knobs of flavoured butter on them. Beautiful.” 

Seasonal Notes and Queries